Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Ramona and Her Father

Ramona and Her Father (Ramona, #4)Ramona and Her Father by Beverly Cleary
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Ramona is just timeless. I'm so glad my daughter is old enough to fully appreciate these books now. She begged me to read her an extra chapter one afternoon, in addition to our regular bedtime chapters, and would have happily read the whole thing in one sitting if there had been time.

This book takes place as Ramona's father loses his job and struggles to find another one. Her mother has to increase her hours at her job to compensate, but money is very tight (because of the sexist pay gap, but that's not addressed in the book). After Beezus mentions how smoking turns your lungs black and makes you sick, Ramona begins a campaign to get their father to stop smoking. Given the current stresses and job losses of the pandemic, the themes in this book feel especially relevant right now, although the particulars aren't to my daughter, whose parents have never smoked and who remain employed. But the FEELINGS--those transcend time and place, a testament to Beverly Cleary's brilliant writing.

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