Friday, June 1, 2012

A Night Like This

A Night Like This (Smythe-Smith Quartet, #2) A Night Like This (Smythe-Smith Quartet, #2) by Julia Quinn
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Curse you, Julia Quinn! I stayed up two hours past my bedtime because I could NOT put this book down until I finished it! I read on breaks and lunch. I read at the doctor's office. I even read while walking between my car and my library building (occasionally pausing to look for cars before crossing the streets) just to squeeze in a few extra minutes.

Eight years ago, Anne foolishly believed the lies of a handsome boy and was cast out for her mistake. She became a lady's companion and then a governess--eight long years of hiding from the young man and his vow of revenge, not to mention the unwanted attentions of her employers and their male relatives.

Three years ago, hampered by too much alcohol, Daniel, the Earl of Winstead, accidentally shot his friend, Hugh, in a duel and had to flee the country to escape the thugs hired by his friend's enraged father.

They meet on the night Daniel returns home (assured by Hugh that the threat is over), and sparks fly, but as his cousins' governess, Anne knows very well that he is out of her reach and therefore dangerous. Daniel refuses to believe that and persists in finding ways to sneak time with her, to Anne's delight and despair. Then an attempt is made on their lives...but which of them is the target?

For readers' advisors: story and character doorways are primary, but with the witty dialogue and historical (19th century England) setting, language and setting are secondary.

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