Saturday, October 8, 2016

A Whole Latte Murder

A Whole Latte MurderA Whole Latte Murder by Caroline Fardig
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Just as things are getting back to normal at Java Jive, the Nashville coffee shop Juliet Langley manages for her best friend Pete, Juliet's neighbor is killed and one of her employees (the neighbor's roommate) goes missing during her shift. Juliet and Pete are determined to find her before she ends up becoming the next victim. Ryder's recent promotion to homicide detective complicates his on-again/off-again relationship with Juliet.

I liked this one MUCH better than book #2. Except for the love...rectangle(?) that drove me nuts. I still hate that Ms. Fardig wrote herself back into a mess instead of developing Juliet and Pete's long-standing-but-suppressed love for each other. Their attempts to date other people will never be successful if they are too cowardly to explore the possibilities of a meaningful romantic relationship with each other first. And once they give their own relationship a chance, there will be no need to date anyone else anyway!

At least the secondary characters were more consistent and logical. I suspected the plasticized Dr. was fishy early on, so thankfully the big reveal wasn't as out of left field as in the previous book.

For readers' advisors: story doorway is primary, character secondary. There is plenty of swearing, but most of the sex happens off-screen. There is a bit of violence, but it's not too graphic.

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